
Principal's Message

The staff would like to welcome you and your child to Vera M. Welsh our school.  We are a PreK - 3 school with a school population of 300 students, 17 teachers and 37 support staff helping our students learn and grow.  We hope that you will find the information in this website useful throughout the school year. The sharing of information through the website will help us to promote a closer working relationship between those at home and those at school.

The mission of our school states we are dedicated to educate and care for our school community and to encourage lifelong learning. We are a vibrant school and are devoted to supporting each student’s social, emotional, and academic development.  

The parent community plays a vital role in the success of Vera Welsh students. We have an outstanding Parent/School Council that constantly finds ways to support students, staff, and educational programs at our school. We also have many parent volunteers to help either in the classroom or at home. Most of all the daily support that children receive from parents/guardians in reading nightly and coming to school ready to learn is priceless.

Our dedicated staff works diligently to provide the best possible learning environment for our students. We believe strongly in a culture of collaboration and meaningful dialogue between teachers, administrators, parents and students - one that supports and strengthens the learning process. With your help as partners in education, we will be successful in making this year a rewarding and pleasant one for your children.

Rob Wicker, Principal