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April Calendar

April 11 - 18 - Spring Break

 April 19 - School Council Meeting at 6:15 PM

 April 22 - Earth Day

Please contact your child’s teacher if you are interested in volunteering in their class.

We are beginning to plan for next school  year. If you know of any families  with children that will be starting Kindergarten next year please encourage them to follow Vera M Welsh on Facebook and to contact us at the school so we can include their child in our planning.

We are planning an in-person Kindergarten Fair on May 12th (4:00 - 7:00) and May 13th (9:30 - 3:00).  Please encourage anyone with  preschool and kindergarten aged children to join us for the fair!

As spring weather continues, please consider sending an extra pair of clothing for your child to the school just in case they fall in a puddle as the snow continues to melt.

As the daylight lingers longer and longer each evening we encourage you to find a great balance that includes outdoor playtime, time to read and enough sleep.  A good balance will make a tremendous difference to your child’s  success in school!

We are beginning to plan the grade 3 transition  to Aurora Middle School.  Grade 3 students will begin to interact with staff from Aurora as well   as have opportunities to visit Aurora over the  next few months.  Please contact your child’s teacher if you feel there are specific transition concerns we should be aware of as we support the students through this transition to a new school.


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