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Vera June Calendar

June 5 - Grade 3 visit to Edmonton Valley Zoo

June 7 - Family Friday - No School

June 13 - Grade 2 visit to Métis Crossing

June 21 - National Indigenous Peoples Day

June 24 - Sports Fun Day

June 25 - Report Cards sent home with students

June 27 -Last Day of School

As the year rushes towards the end of June, please begin to consider next year. If you have information that you would like us to consider as we create class lists, we would appreciate it if you contacted your child’s teacher and the principal by email ( and shared that information with us. Please understand that we do not take specific teacher requests, but we do really value any information you can share with us that will help us create the best class lists possible.

Report Cards will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, June 25th. Any children that are absent that day will have their report cards sent home the next day they are at school or they will be mailed home on June 28th.

Please check at home for any classroom or school library books and return them to the school.

We know that none of you are thinking about next year’s school supplies yet, but when that time comes, you will find the lists under the “School Supply Lists” tab on our website at

I’d like to take a moment to thank students, parents and staff for all of the support over the last few years here at Vera. It has been an honour to work with each of you! I am confident that Vera will continue to be an amazing school for everyone under the leadership of Mrs. Nashim and Mrs. Kuraitis!

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