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Vera May Calendar

May 6 - Music Monday

May 8 - Hats on For Mental Health

May 8 - Chalk the Walk at McArthur Park

May 10 - Kindergarten Open House (9:30 - 3:00)

May 17 - Family Friday - No School

May 20 - Victoria Day - No School

May 21 - School Council Meeting at 6:30

May 24 - Tropical Day

Our students will be enjoying field trips and extra school based activities in May and June. Please review, sign and return permission forms in a timely manner to allow staff to finalize plans. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering to help out with a field trip please contact your child’s teacher by phone, email or the agenda.

If you know of any families with children that will be starting Kindergarten or Preschool next year please encourage them to contact us and to attend our Kindergarten Fair on May 10th.

As spring weather continues, please consider sending an extra pair of clothing for your child to the school.

As the daylight lingers longer and longer each evening we encourage you to find a great balance that includes outdoor playtime, time to read and enough sleep. A good balance will make a tremendous difference to your child’s success in school!

We continue to look forward to the construction of a replacement school for Vera M Welsh. Northern Lights continues to work with the province’s design team to develop the best plan for the school and we are confident that students, staff, parents and the community will be pleased with the final project.

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